Business Hoinser Magazine Top 50 Entrepreneurs – Oct 2023
Master Boon: Blending Modern Science and Ancient Tradition As a young scientist, I was utterly committed to improving lives and words like entrepreneurship were not

The Lucky Gardener – NZ Gardener – July 2021
Feng Shui garden – everything item has its place and its purpose to activate desirable energies for health, wealth and relationship wellbeing.

Feng shui in your garden: practical tips from an expert
Master Boon’s Feng Shui clients that are in the know engages her expertise in garden design for positive benefits in their health, wealth and relationships.

Grand Designs NZ: Is a feng shui house too much of a compromise?
REVIEW: OK, let’s get this bit over with – if I had a budget of more than $1 million, this is not the house I

The Importance of Our Home
Home Concepts magazine For most of us, our home represents the most expensive single purchase we will ever make in our lives. Most of us

Art of Aligning Life Force
The Star Lifestyle, Malaysians Abroad, Monday September 23, 2002Art of Aligning Life Force Feng shui masters believe that we can alter one-third of our luck by

The Art and Science of Geomancy
The Star Lifestyle, Malaysians Abroad, Monday, December 09, 2002 By Majorie Chew GROWING up in grandmaster of feng shui Yap Cheng Hai’s household, you couldn’t help but be

Communicating the multi-faceted aspects of feng shui
The Star Lifestyle, March 23, 2005 By Majorie Chew When feng shui consultant Boon Yap moved into her new apartment in Melbourne, Australia, she positioned everything in

Feng Shui for Enriching Your Life
Home and Furnishing Magazine Feng shui, which literally means wind and water in Chinese, not only has the ability to ensure our general well being