Our Grand Design Journey

My husband Kim and I realised a long-standing dream of mine to live in a sanctuary of perfect peace and harmony and we did this in the most beautiful coastline in the world. 

I knew the time was right – I was ready to manifest my dream of the ‘perfect Feng Shui house’ when Kim came into my life and signed up for the adventure.   I have always intended to write up the whole experience as a case study and use this material in my Master Practitioner Level course.   One evening on our Easter 2017 sailing holiday, Kim had the inspiration to have our building project featured on Grand Designs New Zealand as a way to announce my Feng Shui presence here in New Zealand.  As a nerdy introvert (is there any other kind?) it would be a trepidatious undertaking.   Would ‘putting ourselves out there’ be literally just that, we become human interest fodder for the media?  I baulked at that thought!

Here I digress… Clients have referred to me as ‘Feng Shui’s Best Kept Secret’ because I have in the past only operated on an ‘if you can find me basis’.  However, my ‘lowkey’ approach is partly my nature, and partly the way that I have entered professional consultancy in Feng Shui by serendipity  (see my story in www.MasterBoon.com). 

But the increasing popularity of ‘Feng Shui has resulted in misinformation that has harmed people.  I’ve encountered clients that had come to me to correct a ‘botched job’ and even Feng Shui masters that have come to study with us.  In Feng Shui, we are dealing with real energies that can be very harmful if inadvertently activated by ignorance.   

So the appeal for me to conveniently reach a wide audience to ‘put the record straight’ on 30 year old ‘pop’ Feng Shui and tell the real story – of a traditional wisdom that continues to develop, tried and tested since its birth 5000 years ago, was too good to pass up.

We applied that night, and at 8:30am, the next morning Grand Designs NZ’s series producer rang us asking for an interview.  At the meeting we were told they have been looking just such a project for some time but had not found any one credible.  We were accepted on the spot, that was the easy part!  The next few weeks was spent pondering the wisdom of proceeding as there were several serious considerations:

  • Biilding to a timetable is not ours if we are to honour our undertaking
  • Being in the public eye and scrutiny for anything and everything the human mind can manufacture
  • Would the Feng Shui aspect be taken seriously or made too light
  • Would the show have sufficient Feng Shui featured in that would allow my message to get through

I did not kid myself that this show would give me the platform to fully relate the comprehensive considerations required to build a perfect Feng Shui house because television is an entertainment program after all.  I do not expect you to come to the show with a belief in Feng Shui, or that you will be convinced to believe from the show. 

But as long as the Feng Shui considerations are to be handled with respect in the show, there is hope for me that I will be introducing you to something new that resonates with you, perhaps it would make sense your to own experience, sparks your interest to investigate more, opened up your mind to try out Feng Shui for yourself, or convinced you to fully embrace Feng Shui.  Any of this and I would have achieved my goal, to inform about this incredibly beneficial wisdom practice that you might be tempted to try it.

If you were to reach out to contact me, then my goal of a promise I made to my father would be realised – to have available our lineage’s wisdom practice within easy reach.  All those hours of being subjected to being in front of the camera (instead of where I normally am, behind it as a passionate amateur photographer) would have been worth it! 

So not surprisingly, the program only shows Feng Shui at a superficial level to appeal to their viewers, at best it may have succeeded in alluding to some or most of the important considerations of siting, positioning, aligning, designing the layout of a Feng Shui house from scratch in order to harness the positive and avoid the negative Qi.   The complex study of how to do this in relation to the external surrounding geophysical forms such as spurs, mountains, bodies of water, roads and waterways and electromagnetic influence, plus how to design the internal space in complete abeyance to the calculated quality and power of Qi energy in relation to the time dependency of Qi, will have to wait for my Master Practitioner course and book. 

If you find yourself building your own house and wish to fully benefit from Feng Shui, only a Feng Shui master qualified in Traditional Chinese Feng Shui can do this for you.

The reality is that the majority of my clients already own their home and are seeking to improve their situation, often within constraints on what they are able to alter and budget.

This is absolutely fine.  I am able to get you the benefits you deserve in whichever household situation you are in.  I can always bring improvements to your life. 

The best outcome I can create for you is for me to do a “warts and all” assessment of the building or space I am to be working on.  I first build an understanding of you – its occupant(s) and your wishlist.   Followed by bringing the knowledge of all the different schools of thoughts together as developed by my father to your particular situation. I can identify realistic ways that you can alter your environment – to enrich the lives of you and your loved ones.

After all, by embracing Feng Shui, the benefit belongs to you not me.  Why wouldn’t you want that? 

So call me now to enrich your life by transforming your space into a prosperous place!


On Key

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