My poem reflects on the natural beauty and the profound peace found in the harmonious balance on my property Ditiantai 地天泰, drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of the Dao’s concept of No-thingness “Wu Wei” 無為.
Wu Wei, in its deepest sense, is about living in a way that is deeply harmonious with the Dao, the fundamental nature of reality. It requires a profound understanding of the Dao and a surrendering of the ego’s desire to control. By embracing Wu Wei, one finds a way of being that is both deeply peaceful and profoundly effective, where actions emerge naturally and effortlessly from a place of inner alignment with the universe.
In vermillion embrace, the sky at rest,
Evening descends with a tranquil caress.
NZ bush, a whisper of green below,
Merges with pastures in a gentle flow.
Dragon sentinel, steadfast and grand,
Guards the estuary, in protection it stand.
On Ditiantai, where heaven and earth align,
Harmony blooms in this sanctuary mine.
Laozi’s wisdom, the Tao unfolds,
In silence and stillness, its truth is told.
“The Tao is like water,” soft yet profound,
In its embrace, true peace is found.
On the verandah, the sunset’s gleam,
A moment of calm, a living dream.
Feng Shui’s grace, in every breath,
A life of balance, a living depth.
Nature’s rhythm, a quiet song,
In this haven, where I belong.
Gratitude flows, as the estuary’s tide,
In Ditiantai, where peace resides.
Nature does not hurry, yet all is done,
In twilight’s glow, my heart is one.
Here in this harmony, this sacred place,
I find serenity, and endless grace.
Master Boon🌈💜