Malaysian Reconnections and Mystical Moments

The second half of my overseas trip took me back to Malaysia, my roots, where I had a week to balance my Feng Shui consulting business, finalising my parents’ affairs and reunions with friends spanning nearly six decades.

Over tables laden with favourite local cuisine, we laughed, reminisced, and strengthened bonds that had weathered time and distance. These cherished companions, some like sisters I never had, reminded me of the timeless truth from the Harvard Study of Adult Development: deep, meaningful relationships are the ultimate currency of happiness and health.

Amidst the busyness, moments of quiet contemplation emerged. My parents’ cemetery became an unexpected rendezvous point with dear friends I couldn’t fit into my short week.

Kean, a cherished friend who felt more like family, offered to take me to my parents’ resting place to make up for the Qing Ming Ancestor’s Day last month, a poignant tribute to ancestors past. Serendipity smiled upon us, as it was also Mother’s Day.

Ever thoughtful, Kean procured smart clothing for my father in memory of his love for sartorial splendor, and searched for his favorite dishes, including embarking on a quest across town for my father’s beloved dish, mee rebus, while I bought his favorite fruits and sweets.

At the cemetery, a Malaysian magpie’s enchanting song greeted us. These birds, frequent visitors to our home, had often engaged in playful exchanges of birdcall mimicry with my father. The magpie’s song continued for the three hours we were there in celebration of our reunion and a beautiful reminder affirming my father’s presence.

Amidst the cemetery’s solemnity, I regretted not recording the magpie’s enchanting melody. But amidst the flurry of activities, interrupting seemed inappropriate so instead I include a video of me talking to my parents with the magpie in full song in the background!

We placed food at the altar, lit candles and incense, and scattered prayer papers. Paper offerings, including the fashionable clothes, were set ablaze, carrying wishes for prosperity in the afterlife. As Kean hastened to conclude the ceremony, mindful of my impending flight, a sudden realization struck him—had we adequately pleased my father?

I proceeded to consult the timeless tradition of casting divinations and got a resounding ‘No’. To my amusement, even in his ethereal form, my father’s mischievous spirit remained palpable! Kean’s expression of incredulous consternation was a sight to behold. Redirecting the inquiry, I got a smile response, the no to not enough time to imbibe the delicious offerings followed by a confirmation the mee rebus had elicited satisfaction, much to Kean’s relief.

Leaving the cemetery, a sense of peace enveloped me as I boarded my flight home. As we reached cruising altitude, my father’s rainbow spirt graced the sky as if to say thank you but oh so much more… In that radiant arc of light, I saw not only the beauty of the present but my father’s reminder to me, of the enduring legacy of love and duty to ‘The Promise’.

As my flight soared homeward, I reflected on the mystical connections and the cosmic forces that govern our universe – the magpie that lingered with its resonant birdsong, my father’s humour that transcended form, his rainbow presence… I was left with a profound sense of wonder at the unseen threads that weave through our lives, connecting us to realms beyond our understanding.

Master Boon🌈💜

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