On our sailing commute to Auckland – unfurling the power of Feng Shui

🌟On our sailing commute to Auckland – unfurling the power of Feng Shui 🌊⛵
Ahoy, Auckland! To Auckland for a Feng Shui consultation and R&R.
What better embodies the essence of Feng Shui (which translates to “Wind Water”) than sailing with the wind over water?
Just wrapped up another exhilarating trip that seamlessly combines ancient wisdom✨and modern allure🏘. Onboard our mobile sanctuary, Arielle, where I orchestrate prosperity for my clients – renovation of 💰.
From Feng Shui Consults to the NZSO 🎼 and NZ Ballet, it’s a symphony of balance, alignment, and inspiration. Arielle berthed at The Viaduct served as my city office – the best Auckland CBD address!
Feng Shui is akin to spatial architecture. Its design encompasses the orchestration of spaces within a building, prioritizing the physical layout and functionality in alignment with the dynamic interplay of energetic and metaphysical dimensions. 🌈✨
🏠 I have a visionary client who’s adding a new chapter to her Childcare centre. The initial business consultation I conducted for her about a year ago paved the way for the chance to acquire the property situated behind hers. She envisions merging the two properties into a unified space.
Unlocking success by weaving Feng Shui seamlessly into the blueprint from day one! 🌈✨Collaborating with my client’s architect has been a joy 🤝🏗️, as our shared wavelength allowed us to recognize the significance of crafting a concept design that not only aligns with Feng Shui principles but also meets the requirements of Council guidelines 💼✅
🌟 Step into the rhythm of Feng Shui, where spaces resonate with vitality and purpose. Join me on this voyage of spatial wonder, where Wind, Water, and intention unite in harmony. Stay tuned as we explore more in the captivating world of Feng Shui and its mesmerizing tales! 🌬️💫


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