Someone posted on a Groups I belong to:
“FInish this, on the other side of FEAR is …”
I want to take this opportuniy to talk about the beneifts from my martial arts training and also my spiritual practice.
Trained on the sacred path of the Warrior, my response to the post is:

Fear is a natural aspect of human experience. So we might as well make friends with it.
Fearlessness is not about the absence of fear, but rather the ability to acknowledge and confront fear without being overwhelmed by it. To face life with an open heart, by allowing the world to “tickle” your heart.
The warrior’s fearlessness does not deny fear but rather transforms it into a source of strength and compassion, by embracing fear as a catalyst for growth and transformation on the path towards awakening.
This path towards awakening that I sometimes refer to in my writings as Walk the Dao (ι), is also the name of my company.
This is the true warrior’s path – teachings from the Sacred Path of the Warrior
Master Boon