The Benefits of Feng Shui – Case Study Part 2

The Sun, November 11, 2005
The Benefits of Feng Shui

Case Study Part 2 by Master Boon Yap

Feng Shui is a fascinating and priceless wisdom and I truly believe that everyone one of us should embrace it, to allow it to enrich our lives. Don’t wait till misfortune to befall us and suffer unnecessarily.

In the first part of my story, I spoke about how Feng Shui can manifest itself. In this final part, I wish to tell you how it can benefit us.

The brief from my client was to sell their award-winning home. They were living in a penthouse apartment. They had just bought an old mansion by a river which they intended to renovate and live there while they sold their penthouse. After completing the river-house they intended to sell it and renovate another property that was to be their ‘dream home’.

Because of this complexity, I had to review the situation as a whole.

As they were not going to be in the penthouse for much longer, and anticipated living in the river-house, my next priority was to see if the river-house was suitable for them. My idea was that if it was not, they would have to consider either staying in the award-winning home or the penthouse.

It turned out that the river-house was totally inappropriate. For a start, it had a similar orientation as their award winning home. The access to the house and front door was on high ground and the back sloped towards the river. The flying star formation for this house would take on the SW2 chart. This would mean the low ground activating the sickness energy and the high ground enhancing the calamity energy. My suggestion was that they do not stay there while renovating. The only way they could stay there was if they carried out the specific renovation I recommended to change the energy chart of the house to one that is much more favourable. They can then live in there while completing the rest of their renovations.

This finding required me to check out the award-winning home and the penthouse to see which would serve as the better home. It was for this reason that I checked out the Feng Shui of their award-winning home and the interesting findings thereof presented in the first instalment of this article on Friday 28 October in The Sun.

I then checked out the Feng Shui of the penthouse and found another interesting point. The Feng Shui of this place was worse for my clients than that of the award-winning home. It seems that the malevolent energies resulting from the violations committed during the 2002 renovations of their award-winning home were being carried over to their next home.

The West facing front door of their penthouse did not suit my ‘East life Gua’ clients. The east side overlooked a river activated the quarrel energies in the back palace causing major disputes with a member of their body corporate association. Their bedroom was in the sickness and calamity location of 2 and 5 stars respectively, and also in their inauspicious Ba Zhai location. Their kitchen was in the 5 and 2 star location, also suppressing the husband’s prosperity and the wife’s health. They were sleeping in 2 5 location and faced calamity energy. It was fortunate that their main door was in the front palace activating the prominent star 8. Also, their bedroom door facing, and bed location and direction matched their Ba Zhai directions. These factors protected them somewhat from the worst effects.

It was obvious that the problems they encountered in the previous home that persisted over the subsequent 2 years were being carried over to and made worse by the Feng Shui of this home which they had just moved into only a couple of months before.

Their decision was to sell the award home and make good the penthouse till they resolved their plans and timing for their other two properties. Regardless of this decision, the Feng Shui of both properties should be improved, otherwise the properties would be slow to sell and the problems will persist and possibly worsen.

We set about correcting the Feng Shui of the award home that was being used as a home office at the time of my consultation. Recommendations included covering up the pool with a specific coloured shade cloth, painting the internal walls a particular shade, working on the main door and foyer, keeping alight the beautiful crystal chandelier in the entrance hall over a period of time, use of the correct door and activating the appropriate bedroom, plus the placing of a particular chart on the floor. These changes served 3 functions, to evade the inauspicious energies, to harness the good and to force the new energy chart of period 8 into its space. The property sold within a month.

The penthouse suite required renovation to the front door to change the qi to suit the owner’s Ba Zhai auspicious directions. The front door is in the Tai Sui area and renovation here has the potential of violating Tai Sui. Due to the severity of their circumstance, I made a conscious decision to risk violating Tai Sui because to wait the year out before renovating would mean a worsening of their situation.

To add to their problems, Body Corporate required them to paint their freshly painted balustrades on the balcony a different shade, which they have been resisting. Sometimes, it is possible to turn an apparent downside to an advantage. I asked that they do comply using this painting activity to counter the inauspicious energies. By starting in the wife’s total prosperity area, we can counter dissent and quarrel qi entering the front door. Painting in the southeast helps the husband to overcome the dissent and quarrel qi afflicting him in the bedroom.

The date and time for these renovations were also very critical in particular when there is the potential of violating one of the Annual Timing influence. Special dates were suggested following a combination of the more powerful date selection systems including Ba Zhai. Date, time and area to begin and finish all add to improving the Feng Shui of the situation. Their bed was relocated to another sector and facing direction to suit several systems of Feng Shui. In the kitchen, I repositioned the appliance and work area.

Often when a person’s Feng Shui (Earth) luck is not so favourable, it is a reflection that their Destiny (Heaven) luck is at its ebb. When this happens, the only way to break away from this cycle is, ironically, to make use of Feng Shui to pull us out of this rut. Following Feng Shui advice is no easy feat. But if the will is there, the benefits eventually follow. To do this, we must use our Human luck (own attitude and endeavours). For it is Human luck that leads us to seek Feng Shui guidance and our own commitment and conviction to follow it through in order to reap the benefits.

As you can imagine, all this was a major change to their life and plans. It was all quite overwhelming, but I was very proud of their commitment to follow advice when they have never consulted Feng Shui before. Partly I suspect was because they were going through immense upheaval with a risk of things spiralling out of control. The other perhaps because my style appealed to the logical mind that gave them confidence Feng Shui was not just money frogs and space.

It is now half a year since I was first called in. They have sold their award-winning home within the month after my consultation, and their life has turn around. They have asked me to work with them on the riverfront home, which at this early stage would be quite a spectacular property to vie for if ‘money is no objection’.

This Case Study validated some interesting key points:

  1. Feng Shui of a place is only a potential.
    If the chart belies good Feng Shui, but if the rooms were inappropriately allocated, the energies wrongly activated or the Annual Timings violated, misfortune can befall the occupants.
  2. When the Annual Timing energies are violated, misfortune can follow the occupants.
    In this case, manifesting in an ever-worsening downward spiral.
  3. Feng Shui is able to benefit any situation, even heave us out of a downward spiral.
    In this Case, the clients had potentially good Feng Shui, but as their luck would have it, they kept inadvertently tripping up on every aspect of Feng Shui.

If people have knowledge of Feng Shui, in particular those in the building design industry, they could perhaps have avoided most if not all of the violations. For, once you acquire this knowledge, it is yours forever.

Master Boon is daughter of Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai and the Director of Feng Shui for Enriching Lives. She is in Malaysia to conduct the Yap Cheng Hai Academy Practitioners’ Courses Study Retreats in Avillion Resort, Port Dickson. Contact or phone +6012 303 1991 .

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