I hope everyone had a delightful weekend! Mine was packed with an unexpected kind of exercise—the type I don’t particularly enjoy! 😬
Our build project has lovely volcanic soil in contrast to here on Ditiantai it is clay. So I convinced Kim to get me a trailer load and that I will move it myself. I underestimated what a trailer load of soil meant!😲
Over the past four days, I ‘almost’ moved a trailer load of dirt, weighing a whopping 6,000 kg, and more! Because I ended up handling half of that weight again when I had to shift the entire load to the tail end of the trailer for better access.
Each day, I tackled about a fifth of the load. With my heavy-duty wheelbarrow, each barrow full seemed to outweigh my 47 kg! 😳 On the fourth day, utterly exhausted, I welcomed Kim’s help as he needed his trailer back. I was grateful—until I saw the trail of dirt he left all over my beautiful garden! 😱
So, yesterday was spent water blasting soil off my flagstones. Today, I’m brushing off the dirt from the planks to prevent it from spreading to my pristine white Zen pebbles. I also removed the planks ahead of the storm forecast to keep fine brown soil from covering my flagstones and Zen garden.
Whew! This is what I mean by exercise I don’t like! 😅
Master Boon 🌈💜💪🏻