A SAGE’S JOURNEY IN HER 7TH DECADE Navigating Modern Technology, Ancient Wisdom and Rainbow Spirit

Emerging from retirement, I embark on a new chapter of my life, honouring my father’s legacy, necessitating me to navigate the unpredictable seas of modern technology.


In keeping with the tradition of my wisdom practice, I teach through live ‘oral transmission’—no recordings. Zoom took this seriously and did not record my session even though I had set it to record for my personal improvement. Despite my meticulous preparations, the file was nowhere to be found at the end of the session. But, as they say, the show must go on!


Today’s session was a comedy of errors: one participant confused the day, two faced unforeseen circumstances, and the forth misjudged the time. Coordinating across 15 hour zones over two days is a challenge, even for someone with extensive travel experience like myself (once filling in BA airline market survey, I’d recorded 93 international flight legs in six months, amassing over 1.5 million air miles in a decade missing only 1 flight!). Despite my efforts to list multiple time zones accurately, glitches prevailed. Given the auspicious nature of the day, perhaps it was the tumultuous energies of the Dragon and destruction-renewal energies of the Phoenix having their play!


Soon we settled into flow, then a beam of colour from the corner of my eye appeared above my computer screen drawing my attention to the bush outside. “I see rainbow” I declared!!! The beam grew, stretching across the sky before me. Trying to focus on delivering my Workshop became increasingly difficult as it got so vibrant and formed a perfect arch in front of my office. I had to pause and capture the moment, sharing the phenomena with my participants.


Rainbows have a special connection to my father’s spirit, symbolizing his deep spiritual connection and personality of light and joy. This rainbow’s presence during the entire 1.5-hour session felt like his spirit welcoming and celebrating my participants’ engaged hearts and minds.


Today marks the first day of my 3-Day Feng Shui Workshop. As I navigate Zoom and new technologies, I acknowledge that I am still in the early stages of mastering these tools. This learning phase is crucial as I prepare to share my wisdom globally, with a mission to individually and collectively enhance lives by transforming spaces into harmonious and prosperous places through Traditional Feng Shui.


Individually, I strive to make a profound impact through my consultations and teachings, empowering people to weave Feng Shui principles into their lives. My ultimate goal is to elevate Feng Shui from individual homes to societal improvements, creating ripples of positive change.


Envision a world where every corner resonates with harmony and prosperity, where the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui shapes our collective future. This vision, my ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goal,’ transcends boundaries and generations, sparking societal shifts akin to ripples from a pebble in a lake. It’s not merely a dream for the select few but an invitation for all who dare to envision a more harmonious reality.


Beginning from your home space and transcending beyond, together, let us breathe life into this vision, sculpting a world where the essence of Feng Shui courses through the veins of our cities. Where streets and buildings transcend mere functionality, becoming conduits and vessels for positive energy, infusing every corner exudes harmony and prosperity.


To all who have attended my workshops and my current visionaries, thank you for your patience as I refine my skills in this new era of online global access from my paradise, Ditiantai—The Harmonious Place Where Heaven and Earth Unite.

My father’s spirit and I extend a most heart-warming welcome to you!

To those who’d missed this round, secure your spot and join us on your transcendent journey.

COMMENT “Feng Shui Me”

Master Boon

Posts on the moment that started me on this journey before you all now.
Stepping into my legacy: https://bit.ly/3RIeyUR
The Rainbow Connection: https://bit.ly/4bF2Lzh


On Key

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