Are you a seeker of magic, mystery, and boundless possibilities? My teachings and mentorship are tailored for the extraordinary souls who dare to envision a reality beyond the ordinary.

Are you someone who yearns for transformation, seeking to harness the mystical energies of the universe to propel yourself toward greatness? If so, I invite you to join me on a journey unlike any otherโ€”a journey into the enchanting depths of Traditional Feng Shui, where ancient wisdom meets modern aspirations, unlocking doors to unimaginable possibilities.

After two decades away, I’ve returned to guide, teach, and mentor students like you, eager to tap into the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui. Through my immersive Zoom workshops, I’ve unveiled the profound impact of BaZhai Personal Archetype Feng Shuiโ€”a transformative experience that transcends mere lectures and consultations.

Imagine delving into eight weeks of captivating content, where each session intertwines lectures, mesmerizing stories, real-life case studies, and personalized guidance on transforming the Feng Shui of your home. It’s an experience that mirrors the depth of a personal consultation, tailored to awaken your inner mystic.

But don’t just take my word for itโ€”witness the testimonials of those whoโ€™ve walked this path before you. Until youโ€™ve immersed yourself in my workshop, youโ€™ve only glimpsed the surface of what authentic Feng Shui truly offers.

Why do I offer these workshops? Because I believe in granting you the opportunity to explore a universe of energy transformation beyond your wildest dreams. I impart the secret knowledge and practical applications of Personal Feng Shui Archetypes, empowering you to master health, wealth, and relationships with ease

In my seven decades immersed in Feng Shui, I’ve learned a vital truth: knowing isn’t always enough. Life’s chaos can derail even the best-laid plans. But it’s not about the knowledge alone โ€”itโ€™s about rewriting your story, aligning your emotional and mental state for action, and harnessing the energy catalysts of Feng Shui to propel you forward.

As Tony Robbins famously emphasizes, success is not just about having the right strategy or rewriting your storyโ€”it’s about being in the right ‘State’. Yet, there’s a hidden key to unlocking this state of optimal performance that many overlook: the energy within our surroundings.

While cognitive shifts are vital, the often-ignored truth is that the environment we inhabit profoundly influences our state of being. This is where Feng Shui emerges as a silent yet powerful ally. By harmonizing your environment with your inner self, we tap into a force that catalyzes cognitive shifts, aligning your subconscious and conscious minds for synchronized action.

Dear visionary, while you grasp the importance of cognitive shifts, have you considered the energy surrounding you? Allow me to reveal the missing link, guiding you toward a reality where your environment becomes a strategic asset in your journey to greatness

Are you ready to step into your power? To break free from the shackles of stagnation and embrace a destiny where success and prosperity are not just aspirations but inevitable realities? Your destiny awaitsโ€”seize it now!

Who wants to join me, to embark on a journey of unparalleled transformation!

Contact me!

Master Boon๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’œ

Into the Future!

Just completed my Inaugural BaZhai Personal Archetype Feng Shui Course.

Continuing my father’s legacy, I am dedicating my years going forth to to perpetuating the timeless practice of Feng Shui.

Through mastering Feng Shui principles, individuals can unlock the secrets to living a magical Feng Shui Lifestyleโ€”an existence characterized by harmonious flow, abundance, and fulfillment.

Continuing the Promise and my legacy of my father.

My return to teaching after 2 decades, this time I know to do it even better!

A very special class, my first cohort of students, inspired extraordinary souls who dare to envision a reality beyond the extraordinary!

They will become the seniors as I go forth passing on my wisdom practice to those with insights to realise the power behind harnessing the energy to catalyse their emotional and mental state for greatness.

Teaching Feng Shui Course for Practitioners in 2002
Teaching the Elementary and Intermediate Course to prepare the students for my father to take over to the Advance and Practitioners level.

My father Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai was the first to introduce traditional Feng Shui to the West 50 years ago.

Among my students here are a surgeon, an interior designer, clothing and fashion entrepreneur, business professionals, financial analysts, etc.

Lunch break

during a weekend retreat Feng Shui Course and Workshop in the USA in 2008.

My in person course

was often conducted as a Feng Shui Study Retreat at a holiday resort. It allows the students to fully immerse themselves in the intensive material. It was very popular in its day. Everyone agreed with the value of immersion and the camaraderie that developed in the study groups sessions.

Classroom courses of 20-40 students at a time.

More than 20 years ago, we were the global pioneers of teaching Traditional Feng Shui to English educated students around the world. Students were so keen to learn as there were no other courses of this calibre around. We conducted courses in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia…It was a busy time!

Giving a full house

with standing room presentation on Feng Shui at Boulder’s Highland Business Club in 2008.

Immersive Feng Shui Study Retreat at a beach resort in Malaysia.
Student question time.

The gentleman in red shirt is a real estate property developer. He was also a client. He said to me that he would never ever develop a property without using Feng Shui because he has witnessed significant benefits when implementing Feng Shui principles compared to when he hasn’t.

In person Feng Shui practical session.

A Workshop where everyone brought their houseplan to work on.


On Key

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